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REMA is the European Early Music Network.Created in Ambronay - France - in 2000, it’s a highly active network, whose aim is to promote Early Music across Europe.
I was asked to work on its rebranding project, creating not only a logo but a system of logos (REMA + European day of Early Music + Remaradio logos), a playful and sophisticated solar system where REMA, its members, its public and even any related events will be seen to be intimately connected.
According with REMA EB, I decided to simplify the tagline (Early Music in Europe instead of Roseau European de la Musique Ancienne/European Early Music Network), to keep the ligature in the new symbol (it’s a characteristic sign in Early Music and it was important not to distort REMA’s inner soul!) and to work on bright and vivid colours.
All of the elements for the corporate identity are now perceived as homogeneous. From the stationery to video covers, from motion graphics to typography and promotional graphics.Round shapes represent a core element of the new REMA identity. They are related to many enjoyable and pleasant things... We can move from the idea of Plato’s music of the spheres… to music itself, round and round we go but we always come back to music!
Be in touch with REMA