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March 2019 means the 7th edition of REMA Early Music Day, but also the due date for Brexit. REMA is the only representative network for Early Music in Europe, which now boasts a membership of 86 organisations in 21 European countries. Its main aim is to act as a network for its members, encouraging the exchange of knowledge, information and co-operations in the early music field. REMA actions, purposes and behaviours are deeply connected with Europe and EU Union.
Graphics designed for the Early Music Day (2019 edition) show a new lettering, mixing different fonts. Letters and words musically move through space. Breaking rules, creating new proportions and different perspectives.
The concept has been inspired by the EU flag, with its stars rethought in 3D. Music moves through the air and interacts with space, filling it and surrounding the audience. Diagonal black beams remind of music and music scores but also of REMA logo and ligature. The final composition looks dynamic and rich, without losing its balance.
Despite Early Music is generally connected with classical elements from Renaissance or Middle Ages, we decided to work with a very contemporaneous and strong language, speaking to youngest and not only to Early Music addicted.
(Early) Music has no borders, no nationalities and neither necessarily a single, conventional public.
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Discover the European day of Early Music 2019